Friday, November 13, 2009


It's been 36 days, and I've fallen off the raw food bandwagon. It was more like a slide off a slippery slope. I started with eating a cooked meal at dinner time for a few days, and yesterday I had a cooked meal at lunch and dinner. I don't think I've completely abandoned the raw food concepts, though. I still plan on incoporating more raw foods into my day, and adding a green smoothie/juice daily. Although, yesterday I went green-less, and I felt something was missing. The main reason for my un-rawing is it ended up feeding the beast. The original reason for my beginning this venture was to help with balancing out my moods. I got to the point where I was becoming anxious over what I was going to eat. I know my lack of appetite wasn't helping matters out at all, but,still, I was getting shaky and I wasn't taking in enough calories to meet my daily needs. I lost 6 pounds in one week! Now, that might sound like a good thing to some, but it's not. Losing more than 2 pounds in a week means that more than fat is being lost-valuable muscle mass is being sacrificed as well. Only the morbidly obese can get away with losing large amounts of weight quickly, and only for a short period of time. So, I decided that weaning myself off 100% raw foods and back on to some cooked food would be the best option for me at this time. I plan on sticking to my mostly vegan, gluten free diet. I do eat organic, free-range eggs and raw honey. I also hope to detox again with the raw vegan diet some time in the spring when the raw fruit and veggie selection is more abundant. I like the quick-fix kind of meals: wash, peel, cut, eat! I don't think I'll ever be a gourmet raw food chef, but I do believe we'll still have that raw pumpkin cheesecake for dessert for Thanksgiving!